🔓 New Triumph unlocked 🔓

General information on product releases

In many cases, our product releases happen fast and inventories don't always last for long. Being ready when a drop happens greatly improves your chances in scoring the products you want. Please find useful information about our product releases in general below.

Shopping cart does not reserve the products for you

Despite efforts to create a custom shopping cart that creates a reservation for your products, we have not been able to offer a cart that does so without creating an array of other issues. Unless stated otherwise, please understand that products in your cart are not reserved for you during our drops. The best and only way to secure the items in your cart is by swiftly heading to checkout, filling all the necessary information and completing the purchase process by taking all the steps required for a successful payment for your order. The reservation for your products is created when and only when you've gone through the payment process and you return back to the store. If at this point you see an order confirmation page, you have placed your order successfully. If not, you unfortunately were not fast enough and your card will not be charged.

To make things simple, as it comes to releases where demand is higher than supply, being able to secure your products is a race where you need to cross the finish line before other eager buyers with the same product(s) in cart. There's only one finish line in this race and that's the order confirmation page you see when you return from the payment portal to our store. If you're not able to see this page or the confirmation page only lists some other item(s) you had in your cart, you unfortunately weren't quite fast enough. If the confirmation page does state that you've successfully placed an order and lists all of the items you had in your cart - Congrats, you made it! Now sit back and wait as we get your order ready to be shipped.

Card and paypal payments only

Unfortunately all of our normal payment options are not compliant with quick-fire releases, as they often cause overselling of the products we have in stock. Due to this, during our popular product releases, we can only offer card payment and paypal as payment methods. The usual payment options (Klarna Finnish online bank payments and select mobile payment services) are supported outside product releases, but on release days, all other payment options except card payments and paypal will be turned off. Please do your best to be prepared for this during all future drops. Please bear in mind, that in many cases we have less inventory than there's demand, and therefore items are likely to sell out fast, so in order to place a successful order, you need to be quick in completing the payment process in full.

Note: Limiting payment options is reviewed case-by-case. While all options may be available on some releases, we recommend preparing for limited options for the best chance of success.

How to prepare for a quick-fire release

To maximize your chances in placing an order for the items you like successfully, we recommend going through at least the following steps:

  • Log in to your account and make sure you have all the necessary information ready
  • Have your payment card ready and make sure you have sufficient balance on it
  • Fill your cart in advance with any non-release items you wish to order besides the new items
  • Please bear in mind that as the cart doesn't create a reservation, it's possible that also the non-release items sell out during the release, so be prepared for that as well

Purchase limits

The purchase limit for each release item can be found from the product page. Purchase limits are set by customer, not by order, unless specifically stated otherwise. We will enforce these limits by cancelling orders from customers that place multiple orders. This is an effort to get as many discs out there as possible, so please do not try to circumvent these limits with any kind of funny business.

Note: The need for purchase limits is reviewed case-by-case. Not all releases will feature purchase limits.

Processing time & combining orders

Popular product releases tend to translate to a huge influx of orders and as our resources are limited, we unfortunately are not able to combine shipment on orders, if you choose to place multiples for separate items. Order processing time can often be expected to be around 1-7 business days from the release date, meaning some orders will be shipped the next day, but for some it will take longer. Please be prepared for this as well.

Find all of the upcoming products here!

We are well aware that drop days can be quite stressful for both our customers and our staff and we're doing our best to make things as smooth as they can be with the limited items and resources we have. If you're looking to grab some of goodies from our popular product releases, please make sure you're prepared. Good luck!

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