🏆 Celebration triplets available now! 🏆


The holiday season is almost here! Many of you are shopping for your loved ones and surely hope aim to place an order so that it reaches you by the Christmas holidays. To achieve that, please check our holiday shipping deadlines. Please note that the information shown below is based on deadlines provided by our logistics partner Posti. We cannot guarantee the timely delivery for each package even when abiding to these deadlines and recommend you to place your gift order well before the shipping deadline. We'll make sure to do our part to get your package to you in time. If you have a question concerning a shipment that has already left our warehouse, we always recommend contacting the shipping company first.

Please note: Tuesday, December 6th, is the Finnish independence day, and our customer service & warehouse is closed for that day.

Destination Place order by*
Finland - Postipaketti & Kotipaketti Noon EET on Dec 21st
Finland - Pikkupaketti
Noon EET on Dec 16th
Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
Noon EET on Dec 15th
Sweden & Denmark
Noon EET on Dec 13th
EU members outside Nordics & Baltics
Noon EET on Dec 7th
Rest of the world
Noon EET on Nov 30th


EET: Eastern European Time. This timezone is used by Finland, the Baltic countries and Greece, for example.

If the deadline for your region has passed, you can always grab a Discmania Store Europe Gift Card. Once your order has been placed, you'll get the Gift Card code directly to your email.

Our Mystery Box is the #1 gift for a disc golfer, so look no further! But if you'd like to find inspiration for other gift ideas, check out our best sellers, new arrivals & bundles!

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