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Discmania Store Europe Survey 2022

Now is your chance to help us improve and serve you better! Take part in our customer survey. It only takes about 10-15 minutes to answer the questions. The survey is open until November 20th, 2022.

By answering to this survey, you can participate in a raffle at the end of the survey. We will raffle 3 Discmania Stratosphere Edition Mystery Boxes among those who participate in the raffle!

Answer the survey here!

Answer to the survey & participate in the raffle and you will have a chance to win yourself a Discmania Stratosphere Edition Mystery Box - Prize value 99,99€!

To visitors from America, there is a survey available for you at! You can find it here.

All responses are processed anonymously so far that no individual respondent can be identified. This research is carried out by Discmania Store Europe / Spin18 Ltd.

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