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April Jewels Returns!

Combine classic Signature Series stamps with your choice of select special molds!

April 1st brings a lot of jokers trying to pull a fast one. Here at Discmania, we aren’t messing around. April has a whole different meaning for us and Discmaniacs around the world. The turning of spring brings the colors of nature, the warmth of the sun, and our favorite of all - April Jewels.

April Jewels is the send off for these classic Signature Series stamps, which will never be used ever again. Before we get into the details for this year, let’s take a look at the gems created in years past.

Jewels of Aprils Past

The first April Jewels campaign launched in 2019, offering up the final run of; Eagle Claw, Doom Bird 1, and Roaming Thunder stamps. Discmaniacs were quick to craft awesome combos, resulting in some ultra rarities!

After the success of 2019, running it back the following year was a no brainer. This time, featuring Sky God, Totem Eagle P2, and Night Strike 1 stamps. Yet again Discmaniacs went to work, making most combos one of less than 100.

None of these combinations will be produced again. So, if you see a Roaming Thunder stamped MD4 - you’d be looking at one of the six in existence!

Glorious Return

After a two year hiatus, we are proud to present this year’s jewel options! Add any of the stamps below to your choice of; Metal Flake C-Line MD3, Lux Vapor Mutant, or Glow Flex 2 P2!

The first Iron Samurai stamp lives near and dear to our hearts. The only stamp to feature Japanese characters and the beginning of a series of now classic MD3 designs. Little did we know this sprinting Samurai with swords in each hand foreshadowed the ambidextrous talents of Eagle McMahon years later!

One of the most unique stamp designs up to that time, Lone Howl featured Celtic influences in its twisting sharp lines. A feature that continued through two more iconic Lone Howl stamps.

Rounding out the pack is Kyle Klein’s Midnight Prowl stamp. Featuring classic Discmania bold linework, the fierce jungle cat quickly found its way into Discmaniacs’ bags and into chains around the globe.

Craft Your Own

Starting March 31st, you can create your own special combo at Discmania Store US and Discmania Store Europe. April Jewels campaign ends April 4th or while supplies last. Keep an eye out at your favorite local retailer as well for an exclusive gem only available through our Discmania Dealer network.

Get crafting! Check out the April Jewels selection here!

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